
Showing posts from September, 2023

Refining my logo by Juan Diaz

  R efining My Logo    With the 15 design that I had to make I decided to use the design of the side glasses with the original Diaz Achieves on the side of the glasses legs. To ensure my logo would work I choose to make the name of the logo bigger in each design. This would allow to make it more easier to be seen with the design of the glasses. In each design I used different fonts and moved them around to see which would look most appealing. While moving them I also used the different type tool like kerning and tracking to enhance the quality and effectiveness of my text. With the use of kerning and tracking it allowed the text of my logo to be just as big as the design itself making go to see and understand. Out of the 15 design I have created my favorite final work is the black and gray side glasses with the reddish-pink background with the gray color. This one is my favorite as it doesn't take up a lot of space and both the design and the name of the logo can be seen equally. W

Electronic Logos by Juan Diaz

                              Electronic Logos The 5 electronic logos I made each include some part of my name. As for the first one I created a front view of glasses and right under the design I include J.D. I had a blue circle background to expose or to make more clearly the glasses design. As for the second I made glasses to the side. On one of the legs I have one of my other brand name as Diaz Achieves. I originally wanted to include the whole phrase "The Diaz Archives" but it was too long and even if I made the size of the letters smaller it would have ruin the glasses design in my opinion so I decide to remove it. For the third design I decide to just have a logo with no design. I decide to have the letter D be around the letter J like the horseshoe game with the rest of my last name hanging. For the 4 design I simple decide to have the letters J, D, I  and combine them together. I was originally going to have them in different colors and make it actually show that they

This could be my brand name by Juan Diaz

                         Potential Brand Name 1. J-Design J-Design is name I have chosen as the J would represent my first name while Design has two meanings. Design would mean the different art or concept in my work while D can also represent my last name which is name. 2. The Diaz Archives  The Diaz Achieves is the use of my last name with achieves. Achieves on the dictionary means "a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people". In short it going to be known a place  where it contains all my works and art. 3. One's Portfolio One's portfolio is a joke that can be used with my name "Juan" as if you continuously say or pronounce my name fast you can hear the word One. 4. JD Insight-  The insight means "the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing." This means that my portfolio will have and contain my work that will show that I understan

Design Portfolio Research by Juan Diaz

                                 Design Portfolio Research Craig Black -   The Craig Black is a website I find attracted because of its simple layout. The website can easily be navigated allowing for clients to find all types of work and art by the creator or designer. Although there is very little color and shapes within the website itself the art work or designs fills up that gap attracting more potential customers to the website and to hire the creator. The tone of the website is of a upbeat/enthusiastic style in which it show the creator to be passionate in his work. Link: Skyler Hefley- This site attracts me through its way of tell the customers their past work history. As you scroll down more you can see information and images of all the work they have done. It also shows in some of their work their sketches and drafts demonstrating that they know what there doing and to show to customer they are willing to show progress of their work. There is a variety of

Senior Year Accountability by Juan Diaz

                         Senior Year Accountability During my senior year I plan to stay motivated by achieving the many goals I have this year. A goal I have is to add on to my resume through applying to clubs and internships that is related into the field I want to go to in and out of college. Another goal is to have more grit when it comes to learning new things. To achieve this goal during senior year I plan to focus on studying more in lessons and concepts I don't understand. I plan to study more in math a subject in which I struggle to understand and do. To be more motivated during senior year I will want to find a job afterschool to have a sense of maturity and balance in high school. This can allow to see what adulthood has in store with me and to have an early start in earning money and to start having that sense of independent from my parents. Another way to motivate myself is to be more sociable to my classmates and friends inside and outside the classroom. Since this is