Electronic Logos by Juan Diaz

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The 5 electronic logos I made each include some part of my name. As for the first one I created a front view of glasses and right under the design I include J.D. I had a blue circle background to expose or to make more clearly the glasses design. As for the second I made glasses to the side. On one of the legs I have one of my other brand name as Diaz Achieves. I originally wanted to include the whole phrase "The Diaz Archives" but it was too long and even if I made the size of the letters smaller it would have ruin the glasses design in my opinion so I decide to remove it. For the third design I decide to just have a logo with no design. I decide to have the letter D be around the letter J like the horseshoe game with the rest of my last name hanging. For the 4 design I simple decide to have the letters J, D, I  and combine them together. I was originally going to have them in different colors and make it actually show that they are overlapping each other but decide on the whole black design. For the 5th and last design I just add  a black circle and just made the letter white.


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