6-5, 7-1, 7-2 social justice spreads reflection by Juan Diaz

 6-5, 7-1, 7-2 social justice spreads reflection

    Since the start of the 3 fall semester we have start to prepare and create our own Social Topic Issue spreads. These spreads combined everything we have learn throughout the years of graphic design and its different application like InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. My social topic original was about Riker Island. Rikers Island has had multiple incidents and death throughout its year open. This in itself was a inhuman torcher for prisoner that resided in the prison. As a result this has lead to multiple protest throughout New York that pushed for the need to close Rikers Down permanently. I also decide to do this Issue as I learn this in my Criminal Justice College Course. When it came to actual making  the pencil drafts for the layout I was stuck. I did have a clear vison of what my layout were to look like. I decide at the time to do the most basic type of layout and just give it in. This of course effect me later on when making the final version of the layouts and spreads. Besides the layout I decide  to also focus on a specific person as a way to represent data. That person would be Kalief Browder. Kalief Browder was false accused of stealing a purse when it wasn't even him who commit it. As a result he spent 3 year in jail at the age of 16 and spent two years in solitary confinement. All of this torture result to his suicide when he was released from the prison. This was why I included him in my spreads as his story was  one of the key stones that push for people to protest to shutdown Rikers. Another data visual that I created was a prisoner silhouette filled with different flags to represent countries with the most individuals in each prison. Although this doesn't related to Rikers Island it does show an issue of containment and of people who are innocent taking years to be free. This issue isn't just in Rikers. It all over the world where this happens. As for the actual final spreads I mainly did a transition for lighter color to dark color. This is to describe the tone being set to a more darker subject about Rikers and Kalief Browder. Although I feel that I could have done better in organization within my spread and of course my layout. When doing the final I spent to much time in doing my layout and figuring out where to go. This is what ruined me to an extent. I feel that the message about my topic was accurately shown as this issue is still ongoing and in debate. Furthermore the pictures used could have been either better placed or better chosen. I am glad about the placement  of the picture of the last page spread as it really shows the protest moving to the left side more. 


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