Motion Graphics: Logo

 Motion Graphics: Logo

When it came to actually try to animate my design it was quite difficult as I didn't really like my sketch of the storyboard for the animation. So I decide on a bouncing type of animation with the glasses leg and the main frame of the glasses. To properly make the 8 sec I also decide to start the animation small from the middle to give it enough space for all the symbol and object to bounce around. This was also done to have enough time to make the symbols bigger with every bounce done. Although I feel that I could have done better with making a proper and more professional animation. As for the new revised version of my design(the one that is shown on the blog) I have done a few minor changes.  For one I have speeded up the speed of the rectangle for the background to make it enlarge faster. I cut around 3 sec from the previous draft to make it faster. I also decide speed up the appearance and enlargement of my logo name "Diaz Archives" to make it more noticeable. One other change was the inclusion of actual glass lens. To make it easier to animate I decide to make it a fade in. This means I lower the transparence first then at the end I increased to make it appear.    


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